Please remit payment for the chocolate sale by this Friday, December 22nd.
Payment can be cash or check made out to "John A. Forrest PTA."
Thank you,
Forrest School PTA

Perfect day for the Forrest School Fall Festival!!! Thank you to our amazing PTA and parent volunteers.

Our students and staff had such a fun week focusing on respect, friendships, self-love, fairness, and kindness. The week ended with a popsicle pajama dance party focused on the Six Pillars of Character.

Forrest staff and students had a wonderful opening day! Thank you to our amazing PTA for decorating the grounds and doorways for our students.

Good Evening Fair Lawn Parents/Guardians,
The Fair Lawn Board of Education is working with Strategic Educational Advantage (“SEA”) Search firm to assist it in identifying a Superintendent of Schools to lead the Fair Lawn Public Schools. As part of this process, SEA is seeking input from our families. Your input will help build the profile, characteristics, and experience the new superintendent will possess. We thank you for assisting and your participation in this process.
You are invited to participate on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30pm in the FLHS Auditorium so that you can provide feedback and hear about the timeline and process.
Thank you for participating if you are able to make it.
Ron Barbarulo, FL BOE President

On Tuesday, Forrest School students celebrated Eid al-Fatr (the end of Ramadan) with a whole school assembly. During the celebration, 7 students presented what the holiday means to the Muslim community and how each of their families recognize the holiday. In addition students viewed two videos and ended the festivities with a school-wide song led by Mrs. Knitel. Thank you to the Forrest Equity Team for creating such a fun learning experience for our students.

Our 1st grade students had so much fun at their first Manners Monday. Thank you to our parent volunteers for helping to make this such a memorable event for our students.

The beautification of the Forrest School grounds is in full effect thanks to our amazing Building and Grounds Department. We are in the process of replacing many of our older bushes and flowers with new shrubs and perennial plants.

The things we do to promote reading............ 12 Forrest School staff members volunteered to get slimed as part of our students reaching their Read-A-Thon goal of over 6,000 total minutes read. The top readers and donors had a blast getting to slime our staff. Thank you to Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Duncan, and Mrs. Perrotta for all your help.

Ringling Brothers has nothing on us...... Thank you to PTA for bringing the Circus Arts Residency to Forrest School. Our 1st and 2nd grade students had a blast showing off their new CLOWN skills.

Thank you to the parent and staff volunteers for turning our cafeteria into the Forrest School Bistro for the grade 2 Manners Monday program. The students were served a 5- course meal while learning dining etiquette and table manners.

On Friday February 24th, Forrest School had a chance to Let the Good Times Roll and celebrate the holiday of Mardi Gras. Students had a parade in the hallways wearing handmade masks. This was followed by stops along the route to engage in various activities such as coloring, music, crafts, and a mini scavenger hunt.

The Forrest School PTA hosted a fun Pizza/Bingo Night on Thursday, February 2nd. The fundraiser was extremely well attended, thank you for your continued support.

Forrest Schools 4th grade students enjoyed presenting their Biography Projects to our 2nd and kindergarten students.

Thank you to Mr. Durso and Mrs. Zarwi for bringing ThermoFisher Scientific to Forrest School. The 4th grade students had a blast extracting DNA from strawberries.

Circus Arts is back at Forrest for another year of magnificent entertainment…

In accordance with Fair Lawn Public Schools focus on prioritizing the themes of diversity and equity in our schools, students at Forrest participated in an assembly enhancing their understanding of the Indian holiday, Diwali. Each student decorated a plastic cup during art class with Miss Cohen and learned rhythmic patterns to a montage of Indian music with Mrs. Knitel. The culminating experience included a read-aloud video of a children's book about Diwali and a performance of their cup routine.