Forrest Schools 4th grade students enjoyed presenting their Biography Projects to our 2nd and kindergarten students.
over 1 year ago, John A. Forrest
4th Grade Biology Presentation
4th Grade Biology Presentation
4th Grade Biology Presentation
4th Grade Biology Presentation
Thank you to Mr. Durso and Mrs. Zarwi for bringing ThermoFisher Scientific to Forrest School. The 4th grade students had a blast extracting DNA from strawberries.
over 1 year ago, John A. Forrest
4th Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
Circus Arts is back at Forrest for another year of magnificent entertainment…
over 1 year ago, John A. Forrest
Grade 2
Grade 2
Grade 2
In accordance with Fair Lawn Public Schools focus on prioritizing the themes of diversity and equity in our schools, students at Forrest participated in an assembly enhancing their understanding of the Indian holiday, Diwali. Each student decorated a plastic cup during art class with Miss Cohen and learned rhythmic patterns to a montage of Indian music with Mrs. Knitel. The culminating experience included a read-aloud video of a children's book about Diwali and a performance of their cup routine.
over 1 year ago, Kristin Amoroso
Diwali Celebration
Miss Cohen and Mrs. Knitel leading the assembly
Diwali Assembly