FLHS Assessment Information

Throughout your time at Fair Lawn High School, you will sit for several Standardized Tests. These tests are used for a myriad of reasons, from determining appropriate course level placement to graduation requirements and college readiness. Read below for information on the various tests you can expect to take over the next 4 years.

Click here for the 2024-25 FLHS Testing Schedule

New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA)

In 2019, the State of New Jersey adopted an online assessment called The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA). NJSLA is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and is designed to determine a student’s readiness for college and career. It will help parents and teachers to determine whether or not students have achieved grade-level standards. NJSLA Testing occurs in the spring usually during the months of April and May.

For the 2021-22 school year all 9th-grade students are required to participate in English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments. All 11th-grade students are required to participate in the NJSLA Science assessment.

This link provides an assortment of resources that are intended to inform and support parents in their children’s educational experiences. NJSLA website

Additional information regarding the Science assessment can be found at NJSLA-S Website

NJ State Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJSGPA)

The NJSGPA is a new assessment based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The State Board of Education recently adopted this assessment as the state testing requirement for graduation for the Classes of 2023 and beyond; the assessment will be administered for the first time in March of 2022 to current juniors. 

The State of New Jersey Department of Education has determined, students in the Classes of 2023-2025 who do not take the NJSGPA will be unable to earn a high school diploma. Students who take the NJSGPA but do not earn a passing score will be able to use alternative assessments to meet the state testing requirements for graduation. Click here for additional details on testing graduation requirements

Students with disabilities who qualify for the Dynamic Learning Maps assessment (DLM) are exempt from taking the NJSGPA.

Start Strong Assessment

These are short, diagnostic assessments that will be administered to students in ELA (Grades 9 and 10), Math (students enrolled in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra 2), and Science (Grades 9 and 12). The purpose of these diagnostic assessments is to help teachers understand the level of support students will need in these content areas. The assessments are 45-60 minutes in length and will be administered predominantly during classes during the week of October 11th. Parents will receive a copy of the student score report.  Please click here for more information. 

College Board Exams

College Board offers several important tests that you will likely take during your time in high school including the PSAT/MMSQT, the SAT, and Advanced Placement (AP) exams.

For more information visit https://ap.collegeboard.org/.


The PSAT is a practice test meant to prepare students for the SAT. It is given only once per year in October. At Fair Lawn High School, all students in 10th and 11th grade are required to sit for this test. 11th graders who take the PSAT are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship.

For more information visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10.


The SATs are administered in August, September, October, November, December, March, May, and June. Registration is on The College Board Website at https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register. Juniors may take the April, May, or June examination: seniors should check their college catalogs for the SAT deadline required by a prospective school. 

The SAT Essay and Subject Tests have been discontinued as of June 2021.

For more information visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat.

Advanced Placement Exams

The AP Examinations are administered each year in May and represent the culmination of college-level work in a given discipline in a secondary school setting. Rigorously developed by committees of college and AP high school faculty, the AP Exams test students' ability to perform at a college level.

All students enrolled in an AP course at Fair Lawn High School are required to take the corresponding exam. Registration occurs in December through the Testing Office.

For more information visit https://apstudent.collegeboard.org 


The ACTs are administered in September, October, December, February, March, May, June, and July at schools in the surrounding area, FLHS does not administer the ACT. Registration is on The ACT Website at https://www.act.org/

Accommodations on College Board and ACT Assessments

Accommodations on College Board and ACT assessments are determined by these companies. Students do not automatically receive accommodations because the student has an IEP/504/I&RS plan. An application must be submitted to College Board and ACT for consideration.

Refer to this link for additional information on the application process.

Testing Coordinator

If you have any questions regarding testing please contact the Testing Coordinator.

Ms. Laraine O'Shaughnessy

201-794-5450 x2000

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